Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mounring Commute

Ohio weather is really pretty lame. Since I got back three weeks ago it has rained almost every day. I have gotten very little riding in other than commuting to work. So here are some more fixed commuting pics.

Nice brakes
Road Kill... I removed seven dead critters from the road on the way to work Saturday. People have no regard for life. I was fortunate enough to see this guy do the panic dance under a Chevy S-10 and get hit by the underside of the truck. The fucker didn't even slow down, people make me sick. He was dead when I got to him and his teeth made this wonderful scraping noise on the chip and seal as I dragged him off the road.
This guy was spraying some kind of weed killer on this to be field and the wind was carrying the poison all the way to the road. What kind of dip shit thinks its ok to spray any chemical on a windy day. I tried to hold my breath for the 200 feet of field that was being sprayed..
Got me a big pick-um-up-truck, it gets 10 miles to the gallon. I love high gas prices.

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