Sunday, November 16, 2008


Durango is a bike town that through my eyes has been a safe place. But recently bikes have been getting stolen out of garages and back yards. Just a month ago a friend of mine had his bike stolen out of the yard when we were home and its still missing and a few other nice bikes have been jacked. You never think those bad things could happen to you until they do. On Friday night my bike got stolen, and its the worst I have ever felt in a long time. I had no current pictures with the new frame so I painted the old picture. I really hope it turns up. Remember to lock up no matter how safe you think the place is.

1 comment:

Rody said...


Dude, that totally sucks that your ride was stolen...I'm sure the person who took it will never appreciate it as much as you.

Thinking of ya, from snowy home,



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