Monday, January 12, 2009

Back From ABQ

My last few days in Albuquerque were spent on an old Specializd rockhopper riding up and down the street practicing wheelies and riding the bike path with Sarah`s neighbors. I also bought a pet rat to keep Sarah`s company while away form her sisters rat. Pictured below is Sarahs rat Olive in my smelly ass shoe, I decided to name mine Pimento to compliment Olives name.

On Sunday we went for a nice two hour ride with the neighbor kids on the bike path and through town. I was with out a road bike so the rockhopper was ridden along with a bitchen helmet that I found in her garage. It was a good bit of fun, the two little ones even through down an attack.
Cyclings future

The scenery in Albuquerque was stunning... if you like carbon copy homes and brown, but to be fair there were some very beautiful mountains to the east of town.

Downtown Albuquerque public art

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