Thursday, February 14, 2008

An Alternative

We still have to much snow here in Durango to do any real mountain biking so a few weeks ago I decide to try out a pair of free rental show shoes. I made a 2 hour outing in fresh snow. It turned out to be a good bit of fun for walking around in snow. Yesterday I decide to go out a bit longer and on more aggressive terrain. I headed out on the bike/ski trails and then cut off the trail and headed up a slope that would take me to the top of the ridge. I followed the ridge as far north as I felt comfortable and then headed straight east until I hit Horse Gulch road. I headed down the road until I intersected the power line trail and then headed back home from there. The hike lasted 3hours and felt like 5 hours on the trainer stand.

The Slope to the top of the ridge. The grade was close to 100%. I averaged maybe five steps a minute and every step my foot sunk down around 2 fest, slow work at best.

A quick picture after 2 hours of hiking. Behind me is the town of Durango and some to the college campus.

A picture from my dorm, this is where I took some of the pictures.

A panoramic view of Durango from Raiders Ridge.

Another view from Horse Gulch road.

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